Drugs and Toxicology

A wide range of leading Forensic Toxicology services as an Expert Witness for criminal, coronial and civil casework involving alcohol and/or drugs including:

  • Road Traffic Act offences involving alcohol with any associated Alcohol Technical Defence calculations such as would be involved in ‘hip-flask’ and laced drinks defences in drink/driving cases;
  • Road Traffic Act offences involving drugs
  • Other Criminal cases such as murder, rape, poisonings, suspicious death including possible hospital malpractices.
  • Child custody cases where drug and/or alcohol misuse is important.
  • Workplace testing investigations involving drug use
  • Forensic Drug casework involving comment on rates of drug use in instances where a defendant claims that the drugs seized were for personal use rather than for supply.

Leading Forensic Toxicology Services

For free advice and quotations please Email Us
or call
+44 (0)203 397 4212


Our specialist training programmes include:

  • A foundation course for potential drink and drug/driving Authorised Analysts,
  • A detailed Alcohol Technical Defence course for forensic suppliers

  • Drugs and alcohol training for Forensic Toxicologists including casework interpretation
  • Forensic Toxicology Awareness Talks/Seminars for other professionals